Your Once-A-Year Day: Annual Screenings are Good for Your Heart
February 19, 2021

Playing an active role in your preventive health is a key factor in preventing heart disease and managing your risk factors for heart problems. And one of the best preventive health measures is your annual check-up with your primary care provider. Even if you don’t have a heart condition, it’s essential to schedule and keep annual exams. Make the most of your time with your provider and ask them about taking these screening tests:
- Weight, waist size and body mass index (BMI)
- Blood pressure
- Cholesterol
- Fasting blood glucose
Your provider will discuss any concerns that result from these screenings and may suggest specific lifestyle changes or prescribe you medication to help you manage a particular risk factor. In some cases, your provider may refer you to a cardiologist for further testing and evaluation if needed.
Staying on top of your annual check-up will help you stay on top of your health so that you can keep doing all the things you love.
Heart health is about more than just your heart. Blood pressure, cholesterol, family history and other factors all play important roles in keeping your heart strong. If you have questions about your heart health but aren’t quite sure where to begin, start with a heart health assessment and learn more about any risks you may have for heart-related conditions. Your journey to a stronger heart starts here.
If you would like to speak to a provider about your heart health, Willamette Valley Medical Center can help. Click the button below to be directed to our "Find A Doctor" tool and get connected to the care you're looking for.
In the event of a heart-related emergency, call 9-1-1. Minutes matter, and acting quickly may save a life, including your own.