Rachelle Roberts | #MyWVMCStory
June 13, 2022

Rachelle Roberts
Nutrition Services Supervisor
What was your inspiration for getting into healthcare?
What started as a job for a 17-year-old girl looking for work has turned into a 22-year career that I enjoy every day; I've learned so much over the years and continue learning on a daily basis... I love it because when you stop learning you stop growing!
How long have you been employed here? Have you always been in the same position?
I have worked here almost 22 years and while most of my time has been in dietary - working whatever position is needed - I have also helped in other departments throughout the hospital. I have been the Supervisor of Dietary services since 2008.
What does Making Communities Healthier mean to you?
Doing all you can to provide a safe space for people to receive healthcare, regardless of outside noise...
I know that our amazing staff throughout the hospital, regardless of department, provide top-notch care and work together collectively to provide the best services possible for everyone who steps foot inside our facility, and that’s a great feeling!
What are three things people may not know about you?
1. I’m the mom of 2 boys!! (Ages: 13 & 7)
2. At the end of 2021, I graduated with my degree in Business/Management from Chemeketa.
3. I might be the biggest Portland Trail Blazer fan EVER!
What do you enjoy most about working at WVMC?
My Team!! Every single person I work with on a daily basis makes even the hard days seem easier!